
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Something Good about Global Warming.

I know I shouldn't get excited but silver lining, anyone? Apparently in 2006, The Arbor Day Foundation took climate data for the US and created a new zone map. Who knew? Well it still sticks me in a zone 5-6 but I am much closer to 6 than the previous map so that excites me.  Plus, this was done four years ago so if the trend continues I will be in zone 6 pretty soon. I have dreams of being a snowbird, but it looks like Chicago winters aren't as bad as they used to be. Now just have to do something about the lack of sunlight.

To see the full map you can click here:

This could mean a new bunch of crops will work in our areas. I am going to try some zone 6 plants and see if they survive. Details to be posted later.

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